Human Resources Manager/Operations Specialist

Having worked in many different industries, including public service, health services, commerce and more, B has had experience in both positive and negative work environments.

She sees her role as an opportunity to change the lives of her team and reshape the status quo when it comes to how staff are treated. Her goal is to transform the experience of those around her by creating a safe, comfortable space for collaboration and communication. As well as building a culture of growth, positivity and nurturing where team members not only feel valued and appreciated, but also understand they are more than just a number. They matter and their opinions and experiences matter as well.

She strives to always be a betterment in the lives of those around her and is both willing and able to handle any challenges that come with her role with patience, understanding and care.

B resides in Tennessee where she enjoys the mountains, forests, the occasional snow and watching wildlife with her family.